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Pleasure Dome Thunder BW

Concerned Parents

Friday, 5 November 2021 — Our son Eden mentioned his plans to go cycling early the next morning, a Saturday, to practice for the 94.7 FM Cycle Challenge taking place soon here in Johannesburg. However, for some reason both my wife and I did not feel at ease about him going out that day. Even though car collisions and other incidents with cyclists are commonplace, we fully trust God and don’t live in fear, submitting one another into His care through prayer. That said, this time there seemed to be a warning in the Spirit.

6 November 2021 — Both of us prayed for Eden last night. This morning in bed, I thought of Eden who went out cycling early while we were asleep. Again I prayed quietly in my heart with concern, asking God to return Eden home safely to us. That’s when the Lord spoke to me:

Eden is safe at home.

I simply took this as a Word which I could stand on in faith, so I thanked the Lord accordingly, receiving the fact that Eden is safe, in both the present and future tense. Wherever Eden was out cycling at this moment, I knew he was safe because God had declared him safe. I would share this Word with Aurelí, to comfort us both until his safe return. I uttered heartfelt thanks to the Lord for Eden’s safety before resuming my peaceful slumber.

After grinding fresh coffee, I pulled two espresso shots for our morning cappuccinos. As expected, Aurelí requested that I check Eden’s position on my tablet’s cycling app. It wasn’t necessary. I told her about the Word the Lord had given for Eden’s safety and that it’s exactly as God had spoken. Eden is safe at home—literally. I checked his room and found him asleep in bed!

We weren’t sure if he didn’t go out for his planned cycle trip, or had perhaps already returned and was asleep again. However, we were both grateful he was safe at home.

Aurelí revealed she had asked God—if this was a valid concern—for Eden to not go cycling this morning. After he awoke, he related his side of the story. After going to bed extra early in preparation for an early cycle, he struggled for hours to fall asleep and subsequently failed to make the early rise.

God answers prayers of concerned parents and comforts us through His amazing Holy Spirit. This I know after countless times of bringing our safety before God—often waiting for His reply to hear His declaration of safety—causing me to know the outcome beforehand.

Over the years I have prayed for our children, for my wife, for family and friends, and for myself, when embarking on travel by plane, train, car, bicycle, or on foot. Even on trips to the nearby supermarket you’ll find me in conversation with God. At times, as I start making such a request to God, He cuts me off with His answer, already knowing my request. Most often He gives me His Word that we’ve already made a safe return. Then I thank Him in full faith that it is indeed so, and I go in perfect peace.

But the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach  you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.

John 14:26 — Webster’s 1833 Revision

The Greek translation for the word comfort is “parakaleo” which means “to call to one’s side, speak to, exhort, console, or teach.” Other Bible translations use the word “Counselor” which is also fitting.