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For . . .

For allwho thinkGod doesn’t exist. For allwho reckonthe Bible is not literally true. For allwho reasonGod is a human construct for the ignorant, superstitious, and weak of mind. For allwho believeGod no longer speaks to His people and has ceased to perform miracles....


Disclaimer This non-fiction work depicts actual events in my life as truthfully as recollection and journal entries permit. Although some testimonies may seem unbelievable, no characters or scenarios were fabricated or embroidered. Some names and identifying...

Jesus Who?

Jesus Who? In my writing I mention Jesus Christ. I must clarify which Jesus I mean. I refer to the Son of God, born of the virgin woman Mary (Miriam or Miryam in Hebrew). I refer to Jesus of Nazareth who walked among men. Jesus who spoke divine knowledge, set people...


Introduction This book started as a letter to family and friends, born from a desire to share my own testimonies of miracles and wonders, experienced first-hand. The volume of God’s wondrous works necessitated a book. The book cover was designed as abstract visual for...

33 – Transport Money

CHAPTER 33 Transport Money Friday, 23 July 2021 — This afternoon, in His characteristic still, small voice, the Lord instructed me to give Maria R300 cash. My thought was that she may be short on food, since her children were visiting her, and God had already led me...